ChatGPT - Here's What You Need to Know!

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Unless you’ve been living under a rock these past few months, ChatGPT has pretty much dominated our headlines, Twitter news feeds and social conversations. Is it a good thing? Are we doomed? How on earth do we use it? It’s safe to say that we’re just as intrigued as you are. So, we’ve been doing our homework in order to fill in all of those murky areas surrounding the future of ChatGPT. 

ChatGPT is a language processing tool created by OpenAI (an AI research and development company) that has been taught to interact in a natural and conversational way using human AI trainers – helping you to answer questions or assist with tasks such as writing emails or essays and even more complex work such as writing code! Since its launch in November 2022, there has been a real mix of reviews about whether ChatGPT is changing the AI game for good or for evil. So here’s what we know. Although it’s a breakthrough in artificial intelligence, ChatGPT still isn’t 100% reliable and can give nonsensical and biased answers to its users. It is therefore clearly advised, that ChatGPT should be used as a template rather than a gospel, at least whilst the model is still in the early stages of its development.

OpenAI has released ChatGPT as a free research preview that can be accessed via and using it is arguably quite simple. All you need to do is ask a question or a prompt and it will generate a response. However, since its launch, users have discovered there is a knack for getting accurate results from the AI tool as it can’t always understand the context of the prompt or question it is being asked. 

But, the ultimate question is, is it good or bad? The answer is completely dependent on the way in which you wish to use the tool. Here are a few points we think you should consider: 



-Available 24/7 for anyone with an internet connection.

-ChatGPT is convenient for quickly finding answers to your questions without having to sift through pages of search results.

-It’s especially helpful with assisting the writing of long-form content such as essays and articles.

-ChatGPT can be used by companies as a way to provide instant customer support – improve customer satisfaction and reduce wait times! 

-It’s very user-friendly, meaning that it is beneficial to a wide range of users.

-ChatGPT can be trained on specific data sets, meaning that it can be tailored to specific industries or fields. 



-ChatGPT can be biased based on the data it was trained on – not all answers are accurate or fair! 

-As a machine, ChatGPT cannot always understand the context of a prompt or question, which can lead to incorrect responses. 

-ChatGPT won’t have the same understanding or empathy as a human.

-People may rely too much on ChatGPT for answers which could result in a decline in critical thinking skills. 

-The system is often at full capacity meaning that not everyone has access to it.

-If ChatGPT is used to handle sensitive information, there is a risk of data breaches or other security issues! 

-If the same question or prompt is asked, ChatGPT can produce almost identical results, meaning you can’t be 100% sure your content is original. 

-There is controversy as to how legal and ethical ChatGPT is due to its potential to destroy industries and professions, as well as harm brand reputations – we could go on! 


As you can see ChatGPT has both its pros and cons. Whilst it can be a valuable tool for many purposes, it should be used with caution and not relied on too heavily. As with any technology, it is important to consider both the benefits and the risks, as well as recognise the possibilities of its use to enhance our daily lives, both personally and professionally.

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